
Sunday 4 August 2024

Au Revoir

Small Van - Big Adventures : Has not been a very successful little blog, has it? Two years, not even 100 posts. I'll be honest, life with Blue Bus did not quite turn out as expected.

I mentioned some medical nonsense earlier in the year. Everything has settled down, I am healthy and I continue to do good stuff which will maintain or even improve that state. However, the episode caused not only existential panic but some existential soul-searching: I am in my mid-60s and it feels as if since the start of the year Husband and I have seen far too many people around us having their lives absolutely turned upside down by unexpected health issues and accidents which they could not have foreseen. This week the horrendous murders in Southport shook me to the core - the daughter of a friend works part-time in Hart Street, the same road as the children's dance centre.

It really is true that brushes with one's own mortality are a damn good wake-up call and for husband and I they have been the trigger to decide to do a couple of lovely things which we had not previously felt able to justify to ourselves.

Au revoir Blue Bus. You were a good Bus, a very beautiful Bus, the most comfortable vehicle and most lovely to drive I think I have ever owned. You were the Bus whom I patted gently every time I walked past on the way to the dustbin, the Bus who made me smile every time I saw you outside the house, or in your parking space when I returned to wherever I had left you.

I shall miss you desperately, but you are the Bus I should have had 20 years ago when I was younger, stronger and far more flexible.

Goodbye my sweet Bus, I will never forget you.

And before anyone starts speculating, we are not moving house, divorcing or getting another dog. We are, however, embarking on some new adventures and I am feeling more excited, more hopeful, more positive than I have done for many years.

However the jury is still out on whether I will share those new adventures. If I choose to do so then something new will pop up here, but if I decide not to then I will still be around visiting my favourite blogs and commenting whenever the technology permits me to sign in 😊

I am more than ready for some changes and feeling very excited about what happens next.