
Wednesday 29 June 2022

You couldn't make it up

I have not yet had a chance to tell you how serendipitously this new van came into my life. But for now, just believe me when I say it was unexpected, and almost unbelievable. And I have given thanks to The Goddess every day since.

Until yesterday, when She decided that I was having things a little too easy.

Excuse the language but yesterday was a bugger of a day. I appreciate that no-one died, no-one received a terminal diagnosis, but I went through a cascade of problems and today is most likely to be completely taken over trying to untangle what I can:

* First thing I went out in the Subaru (which I need to sell ASAP because its value is a significant part of affording the new vehicle) and I was confronted with numerous screaming flashing warnings which I have never seen before. I hope they are nothing more than water somewhere it should not be because I washed it on Monday, and used the pressure washer on the wheels. These happened when I was stationery, there were others:

* Later it turned out NOT to be plain sailing to get insurance for the new van.

* Much of the afternoon was spent waiting on the phone to my dratted bank who refused to transfer money for the new van, and locked me out of all my online accounts for my own security. I hung on for over an hour until I gave up. In that hour I folded and put away all the laundry, emptied the dishwasher, called the motorhome dealer from another phone to explain what the hell was going on so that she could listen to Santander's stupid damn messages with me, and got a headache. A very big, unnecessary and painful headache.

I did not get the banking sorted and have that exciting experience to go through again this morning.

So in one day I possibly have multiple faults on a car I need to sell, a future hiccup when I renew the insurance, and no new van next week unless I can pay for it. You couldn't bloomin' well make it up. I know these are First World Problems: I am not being bombed out of my home, my daughter is not being denied the termination of an ectopic pregnancy which will kill her, I am not having to choose between heating and eating. But I've still got the headache . . . 🀯  🀯  🀯

The world has gone completely mad, and there are things happening which I never thought I would see in our lifetime. It makes me feel both incredibly guilty for getting a new van because so many have so little, and at the same time more determined to do things like this whilst I can - because who knows what could happen to any of us in the future?


  1. I feel your pain, with vehicles, with banks and with things pretending to go smoothly and then blind-siding you just for the fun of it. I hope everything gets sorted, it sounds like new and very exciting adventures are just on the horizon.

  2. I hope you can sort everything out today Jayne. What a nightmare for you and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  3. Good grief! what happened to things like ... 'it was plain sailing' .... and ... 'a smooth transition' ... and ... best of all 'now I get to go out and play with blue belle' !! Hey ho - fingers crossed all the issues are simple to sort out tomorrow and you do get to go and out and play with your new girl!

  4. I'm sorry to hear you've had these problems, very frustrating and irritating I bet. Hope you can get them sorted asap.

  5. It's lovely to see you posting again. I hope the difficulties are soon sorted.

  6. I'm hoping that, as I am reading this a day late, the problems have now been solved. I shall hurry on. In the meantime chin up as the anonymous 'they' used to say.

  7. It is just typical that all your problems came at once. I hope you've managed to get everything sorted now. X


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