
Friday 24 May 2024

Travelling to Orkney (or "Holy Moly, Batman")

Some of you might remember that I planned to go to Orkney in summer 2023, and I failed. My sailing with Pentland Ferries was cancelled because of 'technical problems' and I bottled it. If I had not already known this company had experienced a serious problem in 2022 I might have been more relaxed, but I did know so I was not relaxed at all πŸ˜†.

Plan B was hurriedly sketched out in an "on the back of a fag packet" kind of way and I had an absolutely marvellous time along the west coast of Scotland.

Which still leaves me with NOT having visited Orkney. It also leaves me with a Spouse who thinks he is being helpful but is not, occasionally making suggestions such as "you should fly up there and rent a car" whilst ignoring the fact that (a) it would leave me without the campervan comforts of having a kettle and loo to hand at all times (b) I hate flying and (c) I don't like hotels.

So I just nod in a non-committal way accompanied by very neutral responses knowing damn well that I am not going to do any of the things he suggests! If I ever get to Orkney it will be a spur-of-the-moment trip, nothing will be pre-booked so that I can back out if necessary and I might not tell anyone - including him - until I am actually there 😲.

If and when this happens it will be courtesy of North Link Ferries. Having seen the BBC News this morning it will definitely NOT be with Pentland as more information about the 2022 incident comes to light.

click for Marine Accident Information Branch report


  1. I went with North Link Ferries. Scrabster to Stromness. No problems. I wanted to come back a day early and they were happy to change my booking.

    1. You are right - my original return was going to be with North Link and they were exceptionally helpful in respect of cancelling it.

  2. So we can expect blogging and lovely pictures from Orkney at an unspecified date....probably ;-) In my teens I had a boyfriend from Orkney - it was a doomed relationship as he still lived up there and I lived in London (we met when his family were down visiting relatives).

    1. No internet, no mobile phones, probably no chance of a long-distance relationship surviving back then. Do you ever wonder what happened to him and what if?

  3. I love the idea of a spur of the moment trip, so exciting! We used to love booking the cheapest flight to India we could find, tipping out at the airport and having no plan or accomodation whatsoever, it's so liberating not to have plans!
    I look forward to some fabulous photos - and hopefully no tales of boorish male know it alls! xxx

    1. Thank you darling, do you think you will ever do that sort of trip to India again?

      Impressed with your splendid memory; I still feel sorry for his wife . . . but if it ever happens again I suspect I am likely to become a little more rowdy and tell him to **** off !

      (if anyone wonders what the heck Vix and I are chuckling about, it is my account of one of the Top 20 driving days of my life, published 7th August last year)

  4. There's nothing wrong with a spur of the moment trip. In fact, your plan B worked out rather well, if I remember rightly :)

    1. Your memory is spot-on Jules, Plan B was rather lovely, xx 😊

  5. Ooooo, that sounds intriguing! I do hopebyou get to go. I have wanted to go to Orkney for years, but am pretty sure it will never happen now, sadly.

  6. Oh I do so hope you manage to get to Orkney, but fully understand your misgivings. I have treasured memories of Orkney, but will happily follow along with another of your Plan B's if that is what eventuates.

  7. Ooh a spur of the moment trip would be wonderful, no time to change your mind or panic about anything and no time to be 'dissuaded' from being an adventurous girl. Just book the safest ferry crossing, pack up your lovely blue friend and the world (or Orkney at least) is your oyster.


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