
Thursday 30 June 2022

A quick thanks

And THIS is why I have missed blogging. Tuesday was a pain-in-the-derrière day but having kind friends who wish you well and provide a smile and a bit of support can make all the difference. Those comments - don't under-estimate how much difference they make until you need them yourself: thank you to everyone.

The most urgent problem to solve was the online banking situation, and this time I "only" waited 45 minutes to get through. My call was picked up at Santander by the nicest young woman who was so kind and sympathetic I nearly burst into tears of relief. I don’t do tears :-) Just as I had suspected setting up a new payee and immediately trying to pay them a five-figure sum is exactly what their fraud detection systems are set up to stop. I learned a lot during that phone call about how endemic banking scams are at present.

The problems were quickly fixed and the dealership have confirmed that they received the money almost instantly.

After lunch I drove 2 miles down to the garage who have always looked after the Forester. Without examining the car they agree that it is a hell of a co-incidence for these problems to have just happened on their own, it sounds ‘electrical’ rather than any real problem with my brakes and so on, and they will ring later when they have a diagnosis. Then, as it was raining, one of their lads drove me home. Lovely service from this company, I have been going to them for 15 years and I bought the Subaru from one of their other branches.

The rest of the day . . . well to be honest I am not sure what the heck happened to the rest of Wednesday. I was so mentally tired from all the shenanigans that I just putzed around to wind down the clock until I could legitimately go to bed!

There are no photos of my desk strewn with paper, and I do not like blog posts that have no pictures, hence the image above 😊.

The last couple of days have brought home just how much our lives are at the mercy of things which most of us cannot fix on our own. Banking and so many other vital services are almost completely online these days (we have accounts at two different banks, and no longer any branches within easy travelling distance so it's battle with a call centre or nothing). When I learnt to drive many decades ago my friend's dad taught me how to do basic maintenance on my elderly car and in my twenties I could service it myself - these cars require a computer just to diagnose their ailments. One definition of progress is "development towards an improved or more advanced condition". Sometimes I am not sure, although I certainly would hate to do without the internet, blogs, and you lot!
Thanks again. πŸ’‹ πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘©

10.30am update: Hurrah and Happy Day. The lovely garage have rung - Subaru is absolutely fine, they cleared the faults, took it for three test drives and everything is working as it should. My suspicion that I was over-zealous with the pressure washer and got water where it should not be is believed to have been the culprit. Bill for that peace of mind is £25 + VAT.


(picture August 2015. It was a lot warmer that summer than it has been so far this year ☹️)


  1. I am so pleased all your problems were sorted out yesterday. I can understand the bank doing what they did, imagine if you were transferring all your money to a scammer, no don't but very, very frustrating for your genuine transaction. I hope the car problem can be easily fixed by your garage. What a delight to see a photo of Daisy. Then yesterday between sorting your problems you were kind enough to send me an email that made ME realise the importance of blogging and the friends I've made who have got me through some tough times and if I can't manage to hold the camera straight then I have plenty of lovely photos in the archives xx

    1. Aww, bless you πŸ’ž. How lovely to know that I was able to help. xxx
      Whilst Tilly is a absolute delight, on your "non-photo" days perhaps Annie could check in with us?

  2. One of the curses of modern life is the time we have to waste getting through on telephones. I can see why companies cut staff to minimum demand levels rather than general levels. So we the customer suffer lots of inconvenience and waste our time. I'm glad that that side of things is sorted out. Good luck with the Forrester.

    1. You are quite right Graham. These days companies are run by/led by finance and their bottom line and decent customer service is expensive so I feel it is usually considered to be a low priority. As we have no choice but to hang on for hours to get through to someone, these businesses get away with it.

    2. Glad to hear the Subaru outcome.

  3. phew phew and again phew !
    Dear Daisy-Dog - loving the sunshine, I am still in awe of her glorious ears and freckles xxx
    so glad the car was just a minor issue (despite the angst it caused at the time )🀍🀍🀍

    1. Thank you Kate. It is a relief to know I was right about the car problems and that everything is now resolved.

      Ah yes, those big velvet covered, so expressive ears . . . 🐾 πŸ’š 🐾

  4. We had the exact same problem with our bank refusing to authorise payment to the dealer for a car we were buying years ago.....most embarrassing at the time, although it did get sorted out the next day. And we have had a months-long saga of warning lights on the dashboard of the car we have (thankfully) just part exchanged. So I feel your pain! Glad it's all now settled.

    1. You had it much worse my dear. There really was something wrong with your previous car, my poor vehicle was just suffering from over-zealous use of the pressure-washer. I have learnt my lesson, I hope 😊

  5. I'm pleased for you. I never get a good night's sleep when those sort of things crop up. Lovely Daisy photo!

    1. Thank you so much, I am hoping for a restorative sleep tonight.

  6. Lovely to see you back, I missed your post, love your garden. Life is a frustrating these days, simple things are now complicated, I'm sure I am now like my mother, with my daughter trying to direct me through the minefield of no longer being able to have face to face conversations with anyone.

  7. Welcome Marlene :-) I do not mind the phone conversations, it is getting a real person to speak to which seems to be so difficult . . . oh, and the lack of accountability and people not doing what they say they will.

  8. I'm so glad to have found your new blog - thanks to Sooze putting a link on her blog today. Looking forward to following you in the future.- Rosemary

    1. Hi Rosie, great to hear from you. I know you are not blogging any more, and I miss your updates but I hope you, Benji, your eyes, your son and all the other things in your life are doing well. xx

    2. All well - but I no longer have Benji. He was my long-term foster dog from The Cinnamon Trust and when I knew I was going to have both cataracts removed and replaced with new lenses in my eyes, I asked them if he could be looked after for a couple of weeks because I knew it would be difficult to walk him, to bend down, etc.and there would be a follow-up examination after 2 weeks. So he went to a lady down St. Austell way who was a short term fosterer. Long story short - when I rang up after several days to see how he was, I found that he'd been found a permanent home. Don't know where, who with or anything more.
      Middle son lives in Turkey but has to go to Iraq for several weeks at a time for work (he's there now, in Erbil) suffering with the excessive heat (42 degrees!!!); he's due to return to Turkey in September.

  9. I'm so glad everything has worked out with the Subaru, your thorough washing obviously shocked it so much it had a panic attack!!

    As for the banking I learnt that lesson a couple of years ago, now every large payment I make online (I bank with Santander too for both business and personal) I simply set the payment for the next day and it goes through a treat. We live and learn ... and in the middle have major pains in the arse while we do!!

    Perhaps you could have a wander around the old homestead with your camera and get some 'stock' photos to use on your posts ... not that I mind seeing Daisy-dog on a regular basis of course.

    1. Thanks Sue, that is a terrific suggestion for large payments (not that I make them very often).

      There is already a big catalogue of 'homestead' pictures I could draw on, and today I have taken loads of plants which are in flower, but I do hope that once my new van and I are out having adventures that will generate more than enough new images.

  10. Always love a photograph of your gorgeous Daisy. No reason required :)
    I'm glad the car situation got resolved. X

    1. Thanks Jules, happily I can report that all the "situations" have been resolved and we arrived home about half an hour ago πŸ€—

  11. Aw, Daisy. What a beautiful and contented girl she was.
    I'm so glad you managed to get your car woes sorted. xxx

    1. Cheers Vix, it was a bit full-on and relentless for a few days, but hopefully I can now start enjoying it all 😊


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Unless you are being an *£$@%, in which case I have a delete button and am not afraid to use it.