
Saturday 23 July 2022


But what about the beloved Bill I hear you ask? I asked myself the same question. When I became the very proud owner of a Devon Aztec motorhome/campervan I truly thought "this was it" and I would never need to change leisure vehicles again. But here is what happened:

Last year we very casually tossed around the idea of changing the campervan. Without Daisy (who never liked the van and only tolerated the car)

and with Himself no longer wanting to overnight in a metal box, there really was far far too much space for one little me. I packed two or three times more than I needed just because there were cupboards to fill, never used a fraction of it, and on my last Scotland holiday got thoroughly, thoroughly, totally hacked off at the number of places I could not park because of the size of the vehicle.

And then we did nothing.

In June we talked about it again. Not being able to get under parking height barriers had become increasingly irritating and I felt a growing discomfort about having two large vehicles, neither of which were covering enough miles to justify their ownership, plus the unquantifiable feeling which came out of nowhere that it was just the right thing to do.

And then the Doubting Voice of Doom stuck its tuppence-worth in: the one that waffled on about: not taking risks, staying with the status quo even if it was not really working, was it ostentatious to get a newer vehicle when there are people in my village struggling to pay their heating bills, owning one vehicle for everything instead of two is much more sensible but it is a big step, and so it went on . . . I am really good at talking myself out of things before I have even started and I very nearly convinced myself to put this idea away again and just be very grateful for what I already had.

However . . .

I don’t know if you have particularly followed the vehicle supply situation since Covid started, but ’staycations’ have resulted in a massive demand for leisure vehicles, there is some component shortage in Asia that I do not fully understand, less new vehicles are coming off the production line as a result, and the second hand market has gone crazy because there is more demand than supply.**

[**, the salesman told Himself if he took an order for a new VW-based camper the wait will be at least 12, maybe 18 months with no price guarantee and from what I am reading on forums online where people write about how long they are waiting for VW's they have on order, I believe him.]

Anyway we said “well, we will start to have a casual look, but I bet we will not see anything we like for ages”. I truly expected the search to take somewhere between six and twelve months. It took less than SIX HOURS from first phone call to sitting in the van I knew we would buy! I took that as a sign The Goddess thought I really should do this, and who am I to argue with a Deity?

Himself had found a VW conversion listed for sale at (probably) the nearest dealer to home which in itself is something of a result when you live as remotely as we do. I phoned and during my conversation about the van that was actually in stock I was told of another which had a specification that suited me even better, was not yet on the website and had come in as a part-exchange. At this point it was not just The Goddess directing things - all the planets had joined in to align perfectly.

So we went and saw this:

And went back the following day for a test drive which was hugely successful, eventful to the point that the re-telling will become one of those stories which is trotted out every Christmas (and will have its own post when I have nothing else to write about) and I signed the papers on the spot. Evidence of the ludicrous state of the leisure vehicle market is that I sold Bill as part-exchange and received virtually the same £££ as I paid for her four years ago.

As I started the process of depersonalising Bill a few days later I felt no sadness, no remorse which told me it was definitely the right decision.


  1. She is so pretty, and so beautifully blue! I saw something yesterday that i thought might look great in your new van, but would definitely need much wrangling. Xx

    1. Gosh, you're up early, I thought it was just me who couldn't sleep today :-)

      Do tell, what lovely thing have you found which I need to make room for? (and does it have four paws?)

  2. From Sandra via email:
    I have tried commenting but on clicking the blue google button it just returns to your blog so I just cannot comment. I did like your description of talking yourself out of something, I’m currently researching buying a small wooden greenhouse and have come to the conclusion that the one I want has not been designed yet! I visited Cumbria for the first time this year and loved it, have you seen the Quaker Tapestry in Kendal yet? Also, never had anything to do with dogs until last year, at the age of 74 a gorgeous Springer Spaniel came into my life. He is my daughters but I walk and care for him whilst they are at work, I never thought a dog could give and receive so much love, he has changed all of our lives for the better. I loved your old blog and sad when you stopped so pleased you are on the road again. I’m way down in Dorset where we have parched fields and gardens. Enjoy your trips and thank you.

    1. I agree that getting signed into Google for commenting is hard at present but have discovered if you have a “do not follow” privacy setting set as “yes” in either Safari or Firefox that seems to prevent the Blogger sign-in for comments. Disable it and commenting seems to work again.

      This is spooky: you are the second person in the last hour to tell me about a Springer spaniel. Not long ago another blogging chum sent me a link to the rescue from where we got Daisy. They have a litter of Springer x. labrador pups needing a home. Absolutely not for me, but what a coincidence.

      I am so pleased that you are getting the best of both worlds, you have the pleasure, joy and love from your daughters dog but not 100% of the responsibility.

  3. Bill is being loved by another family, who need space and loads of storage, can't wait to read your adventures in your blue bus.

    1. Thanks Marlene, I hope Bill's new family take as much care of her as we did, she's a lovely girl. My adventures will come soon, sort of "easing into it". 😊

  4. She was meant to be yours and I'm so happy for you. It was our dream a few years ago to own a campervan just like your lovely Blue Bus and one similar my late uncle had owned. Unfortunately that dream has passed us by because of our ill health but I will happily join you on your many adventures through your blog. She really is lovely.

    1. Cheers Eileen, it certain has felt "meant to be". I am so sorry your own dream never came to fruition, I remember you and I talking about it years ago 😒

  5. Sometimes things are just meant to be and things will happen just as they should. Looking forward to following along with your adventures.

    1. Thanks Jo. You are right that sometimes things happen as they should, and Blue Bus certainly does look "at home" sitting on the drive πŸ˜€.

  6. When fate happens you have to follow it's path, there really is no choice!! She's a lovely looking van.

    It's exactly how we changed our lives back in 2009 when we put a tentative advert in the Farmers Guardian wanting a farm to rent thinking that it would take us at least a year to find the perfect property ... four weeks later I was closing down my shop and preparing to move to the other side of the country. Somethings you just DO.

    1. So right Sue, the way Blue Bus just appeared the very moment we started looking . . . and I knew if I didn't take a deep breathe and jump in I would regret it.
      Gosh, I remember you and the Resourceful Sea Dog starting your farming life. Where has time gone?

  7. Blue Bus is a looker, isn't she?
    Like Jo so wisely said, some things are meant to be. Bill had served you well - bigger and better things await! xxx

    1. Blogger is doing my head in πŸ™„. Vix's comment arrived via the usual email notification - but it did not show up on the post. Two hours later I found it in Spam. Duh?

      But yes Vix, she is a bit of a looker, even more so now as I have been out and given her a darn good clean. There is now all sorts of Petrol-Head detailing stuff on order. Whilst quite shiney the paint surface feels like sandpaper and I reckon she has not had a proper clean since she left the factory, poor girl.

  8. I thought I'd commented .... but it seems not! (unless I did something silly?! - my cellphone does not always recognise me (duh) when I use it with blogger) so I shall start again.
    I'd wondered who'd adopted Bill and so glad that BB will be joining/creating new adventures! I love how you arrived at finding herπŸ’™
    **I'll reply to your latest email - I've done the usual, replied in my head whilst working, just need to actually type it out! xxxx

    1. Morning my sweet. Dratted Blogger - put you in Spam, how dare they? No idea who will adopt Bill and in a way, I don't want to know (in case they don't treat her well 😒).
      I like to think Blue Bus was definitely meant to come to Bag End, the way we found her still surprises me. πŸ’™πŸš™

  9. I'm puzzled. I know I've been in and out of Blogland a lot recently but I read this around it's publication time so am wondering why I didn't comments. Anyway life has moved on so I will too.

  10. Ah. My comment wasn't published this time either so it's probably gone to spam or who knows where. I wonder what will happen to this one.

    1. B****y Blogger - sorry Graham, not only did you end up in Spam, but I received neither an email notification (which used to happen) OR any update on the Admin page that I had additional comments.


Thanks for dropping by, and to those who leave a comment, they are all very much appreciated 😎.

Comment moderation is enabled for posts older than 3 days. However, Blogger is still randomly assigning Spam designation to comments which are most definitely not and sometimes it takes me a while to find them and click publish, sorry if yours is delayed.

Because so many of us are having trouble getting Blogger to accept a sign-in so that we can leave comments I am trying the risky strategy of changing the settings to "Anyone". Spammers will be deleted as soon as I notice them.