
Friday 16 June 2023

Honey, I shrunk the kids

One year ago today we met Blue Bus for the first time 🎉 🚙 🍾 , so I have been thinking about Downsizing, taking up less space now, using less fuel. From our big caravans to a panel van conversion (Bill) and now Blue Bus who is smaller than some of the large SUV's and Crew Cab pickup vehicles which are so common here (many years ago I had an estate car that was longer than my current van).

And so far it is not a problem: channelling Clara Oswald I can definitely say "she's smaller on the outside" because during my first trip away in the van I never had too little space. Oh yes, I have far less room than any previous recreational vehicle, and there is definitely very little unused space but I have not yet had an "oh damn, there is not room for ....." moment.  Granted there are a couple of items which used to travel with me when I drove Bill but they were things I rarely (if ever) used and am quite happy to leave behind.

Living in a space of about two square metres does however, require a degree of care, consideration and advance planning. Like getting the toilet out from the cupboard under the seat BEFORE you make up the bed for the night 🙄.

I have less than zero tolerance for mess and visual clutter which meant a lot of my time in Bill was not quite as relaxing as it should have been. There was SO MUCH SPACE for one person that it was terribly easy not to put something away because I might use it again later / could not be bothered / digging under the seats to return it was hard work and occasionally resulted in injury - as evidenced by dropping the entire seat unit on my hand one day.

That was a whole world of pain which I never want to revisit. This is a rubbish picture, be glad I do not have one of the same injury two days later when the entire back of my hand was purple and twice its normal size and I still think how lucky I was not to break any bones.
  {Edit: this little mishap occured in June 2021, in my previous campervan.}

But in Blue Bus leaving something out is just not an option; there is not the space. Use it, wash it up, fold it up, put it away. Every single time. And when done immediately, tidying up takes very little time at all and made for a mentally peaceful living environment. It was absolute bliss! Everything is simplified - only two rings to cook on so meals are as basic as they can be whilst still being fresh and nutritious. The fridge is pretty small so any trip longer than a few days and there will be shopping locally for fresh provisions which means I will contribute to the economy where I am staying and probably find new things.

Being in Blue Bus is a very different experience to any previous holiday and I think it is closer to camping than what has become the norm for caravan and motorhome living (one of our caravans had a fridge which was as big as the one I have at home).

In just three nights I found myself so blissed out that I felt more as if I'd spent a couple of weeks on a Buddhist retreat than on a campsite. During this holiday one of the many books I had with me was the new edition of Martin Dorey's Campervan Bible. He writes:

Camping breaks life down into the essentials, and nothing more.
You eat, sleep and play without distractions and interruptions, 
living simply, away from the vapid trappings of our everyday existence.

Sums it up perfectly.


  1. That's one of the (many) reasons why I love our static caravan so much - very few responsibilities or jobs to do. Hoovering takes me all of 5 minutes, another 5 for wiping down kitchen surfaces and a quick bathroom clean. I don't take my laptop anymore because the wifi signal is so hit and miss, so all I have to do is sit and read, or chat with our lovely van neighbours. Such a hardship! Yes, you were lucky not to break any bones.

    1. 10 minutes to clean everything is my idea of heaven!

  2. I'm a tidy person and luckily so is hubby, so things are packed away in their correct place as soon as we have finished, I go my habit from my mum, having had 9 children she insisted we were never going to be 'the scruffy' family, I can hear her words often. It makes sense to do it right first time and keep everywhere safe and tidy. Our special space is our garden, we often comment it's our holiday at home, well at least whilst the sun shines.

    1. You are a lucky woman, my husband positively revels in clutter. He says he likes to be able to "see his things".

  3. Ouch! Your poor hand! I hope it heals quickly. You were so lucky not to break something.
    It sounds like you've got your camping sussed. It takes lots of planning to fit everything in and constant reasessing after each trip as there's always something we can dispense with. Our awning contains our kitchen and larder and is visible from our festival shop, people always comment on how tidy it is and what healthy food we have on our shelves. I like to ensure it looks immaculate as it might put customers off buying our clothes if they thought we were a pair of scutters!
    Martin Dorey used to be a regular visitor at CamperJam (V Dub weekender in Shropshire), he's a lovely chap. I might have to get his latest book for Jon's birthday!
    Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the sunshine. xxx

    1. Cheers Vix, so as not to worry anyone I have edited my post - that is an old injury.

      It comes as no surprise to me that your 'living space' whilst at festivals is as lovely as your bricks & mortar home. To have the stamina to trade for a minimum of 12 hours each day at Glasto requires proper healthy, food. Good luck next week, will be thinking of you and looking out on telly for the Best. Dressed. Traders. of the whole event.

      Slightly envious you have met Martin, he always strikes me as a lovely, genuine bloke.

  4. Ouch ... poor hand!!

    I love having only two rings to cook on it makes you think so much more simply. In fact I have only ever used the back 'ring' on my hot plate once or twice since living here, it's usually one ring or the Remoska. I might as well keep a pair of shoes in the oven as it's never on. :-)

    Living so simply is really relaxing isn't it, in fact I loved our caravan so much I have been sorely tempted to get another one, I think it's the 'not owning furniture as it's all built in thing' that I like so much. Maybe I'm ready for another decluttering session here in the lodge, I feel surrounded by unnecessary stuff again.

    1. I know what you mean about just two rings. My range here has 4 regular burners, one massive 'wok' one in the middle, and an induction plate on the side. Which is all very lovely - but most meals I only use one or two of them.

      This is not the first time you have mentioned wanting another caravan ....

  5. I envy those who can do it…living in very small spaces. We’ll be off in a couple of weeks driving 2,500 kms up to Far North Queensland to spend 10 winter weeks in a one room cabin, surrounded by other grey nomads in their vans. We’ve been doing this since 2008 so I’m sort of used to the lack of things (it’s fully furnished/kitted out) but I still have to plan ahead. Someone’s golf clubs and my crafty stuff are first in the car! Love it while we’re there - look forward to being home for different comforts.
    How long did it take for your hand to heal….I take it you injured it while away from home so did it affect your ability to drive?

    1. Hi Cathy, your Queensland trip sounds lovely.
      I guess it was a couple of weeks before I could use my hand easily. Yes I was away, and the van had manual transmission so I could change gear with my left hand. If I had crushed my left-hand then I would have been somewhat stuck . . .

  6. Small isn't bad and although we still have a van, people laugh, as it smaller than so many you see on the road nowadays. As you know hubby is tall, so we do need leg room & as we age it is comfortable enough for two. Might be off for another trip before long to deal with little brother's affairs in Sydney. Enjoy summer outings & look forward to seeing your adventures. Take care & hugs.

  7. You are living my dream, Jayne. Maybe in a few years...X

    1. Hmm, not always a dream Jules - like you I don't put everything 'out there', but yes I do have a lovely vehicle and I appreciate her every single time I pick up the keys.

  8. Thanks for visiting my latest post. I love the idea of living or camping with a van, I follow quite a few on You Tube. Where are you based, it would look like Scotland?

    1. Thanks Briony, we live in Cumbria but the last holiday was in Scotland.

  9. I remember watching Martin's camper van trips on TV many moons ago - I went out & bought his camper van cookbook. A really nice chap! We had a VW Caravelle back in the 90s, but it got too expensive to maintain for us so we sold it. Now's the time when we'd like something similar but the current prices, even for older models, are quite high. One day though!!

    1. I remember Martin's lovely TV programmes, I wonder if I can find them online?
      Have you seen some of the ingenious ways people use ordinary cars as 'day vans' and how you can fit in cooking facilities and so on? Have a firtle around YouTube . . .

  10. I had a campervan in the '70s. I contemplated it again when I stopped living half my life in New Zealand and then decided against it. Now I'm very happy on the Island with so much to do and so many friends. Enjoy your travels and I will enjoy them vicariously with you.

    1. Thanks Graham, I remember you telling me about your van :-) I hope it will not be too long before I get over the the Outer Hebrides with the Blue Bus.

    2. I look forward very much to meeting you when you do.

    3. I look forward to meeting you when you do visit.

    4. Thanks Graham. Being realistic, it will not be until 2024 but plans are already bubbling away in the back of my brain. x


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