
Tuesday 18 July 2023

and pivot . . .

On Sunday afternoon I learned that, not for the first time this year, Pentland Ferries were having "difficulties" and had cancelled their services.

As a result Blue Bus and I were not on the early sailing Monday morning, or the next one, or the one after that. Much of Monday was occupied with text messages, emails, phone calls and a lot of stress. Not just the stress of having my careful plans thrown into disarray but the major stress of travelling across one of the most 'lively' stretches of water in the British Isles on a vessel operated by a company whose safety record was becoming increasingly questionable and in whom I sadly now have very little confidence.

At the end of the day I finally made what I knew, deep down inside, was the right decision for me, even though it was incredibly difficult, and completely changed my holiday plans - something of a 180° pivot. I am staying on the mainland, on terra firma, keeping my feet - and my Bus wheels - on solid ground. The help I received from Sian in Orkney, the many local people to whom I spoke during the day, and the Caravan Club prevented a complete panic attack and meltdown and I will forever be grateful to all of them - especially Sian. xxx

Of course I am deeply disappointed but I have really, really enjoyed the Orkney planning and anticipation so overall the exercise has not been completely without merit. I now have an itinerary which takes me down the west side of Scotland (no, I am NOT doing the NC500 ☺️) and unless I have to make more changes I will still be away for the planned duration.

I did not want to spend all of Monday just sitting around waiting so I went off for a drive along the northern coast of our country. I found it very bleak, very flat, very exposed and extremely windy. Ended up at a tiny, ruined Medieval chapel (c. 1100 AD). Whilst a lot more recent than the sites I expected to visit it was still a lovely spot and I thoroughly enjoyed my walk to get there.

Once in the middle of nowhere out of sight of civilisation there was noise, quite a lot of noise. I could not help but think " bluddy hell, on top of everything else today it sounds like I am being shot at" and I knew it was live rounds, they sound very different to blanks.

I had binoculars with me to bird-watch and in the distance I could see people in camo clothing and ear defenders. I could also see what was obviously training/guidance being given to men in civilian clothing with hand guns. Turns out I was next to the Live Fire Training Area for Dounraey Nuclear Police. You couldn't make this up!

If I was being particularly silly (or had opened another bottle of Malbec) it could be inferred that I have avoided potential drowning and a possible gunshot wound today. Goddess help us, this was meant to be a relaxing holiday.


  1. A ferry in rough seas doesn't sound fun. Going down the west coast sounds good anyway

    1. Thank you Sue. Rough seas I half expected - but a shaky safety record when already extremely apprehensive about the journey was just too much for me.

  2. Oh no, what disappointing for you! But in the end, a wise decision. I know you will find much to enchant and amaze. Just, ummm, keep away from live rounds!

    1. If the worst thing I have to face is “where shall I go on holiday” then I’m a very fortunate person. And my first day (yesterday) with the new itinerary was awesome.

  3. I hope you have a great time wherever you travel. I visited Ardnamurchan for the first time last year and loved it there. Thinking about getting a campervan so plans can be changed if needed and to be able to visit quieter out of the way places. Looking forward to seeing your photos of your journey. Jane

    1. Thanks Jane. Cannot recommend having a van highly enough - especially as she is my only vehicle so I always have the makings of tea/coffee with me. 😊
      Out of the way locations? Did about 30 miles yesterday on single-track roads with passing places, it was great!

    2. That sounds perfect and you can plan for a room with a view too.

    3. If you can make it all the way West to Durness in Sutherland there used to be a ferry to get across the Kyle of Durness to Cape Wrath - spectacular cliffs that I last saw in the mid 1970s. And there was the attraction of Smoo Cave just outside of Durness.

    4. Thank you. I deliberately turned south before Durness - am saving that for the next time I am that far north.

  4. Maybe not quite as relaxing as you'd have liked, but an adventure in itself. Love those medieval ruins & the gorgeous coastal scenery. Take care & hugs.

  5. Ah. At least I now know why you are on the Western side of the Country with it's wonderful machair.

    1. No-one has yet called me a wimp but I expect there are some who think it. Sadly, it was one technical problem with the ferry more than I could cope with and I just could not move on from it.

  6. What a shame about the ferry calamity but it looks like you're more than making up for the disappointment and, like you say, that research will never go to waste.
    That Mediaeval ruin looks utterly captivating. xxx

    1. I am definitely making up for it Vix, and having a great time.

  7. Oh my! What was it you said previously about mild peril! I'm glad you've managed to turn things around and have a new plan of action. X

    1. Thanks Jules. The “mild peril” post was meant to be played somewhat for laughs . . . I should not have tempted fate.
      When I look back at this from a cosy Autumnal spot in front of the woodburner I might even think I had a better time staying on the mainland.

  8. Wise decision with the ferry, but perhaps not so wise to set yourself up as a target for people being trained with handguns. The guys guarding our nuclear establishments are known to be trigger happy. Glad you and Blue Bus are safe for now, who knows what comes next ... I am reading in order.

    1. Thanks Sue, by now you know it has all gone rather well 😊


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