
Sunday 16 July 2023

End of the road?

At 3.00pm today, Blue Bus was the most north-easterly vehicle on the British mainland.

Duncansby Head was fairly busy, a bit damp & grey and very windy. A stark contrast from this morning's coffee stop at Càrn Liath where I had the place to myself in bright sunshine.

Mind completely blown, and I am not even on Orkney yet:


  1. Replies
    1. And so much space, and air and silence (apart from the wind, it is a tad breezy!)

  2. We live in such a beautiful country (I'm including all of the UK in that). We've been to Scotland twice and, like you, had our minds blown.

    1. You are right about how beautiful our country is, and there is so much history - that broch is at least 2,000 years old.

  3. Apart from being constantly windy - we found Orkney a magical place - so so much history, ancient history. We took the boys when they were still little and they were captivated by it all - have a wonderful time xxx

    1. Thank you sweet lady. Been thinking about you - hope you are OK and that the hole in your heart is, if not healing, at least callusing over. xxx

  4. I have campervan envy, touring envy and visiting Scotland envy!!

  5. That second photo is BRILLIANT!! You should print it off and laminate it postcard size and stick it up in Blue Bus.

  6. Looks great so far & that round cavern like hole is interesting & would love to its history. Hope you are enjoying. Take care & hugs.

  7. That view! I think my mind would be blown, too! I can't wait to read (and see) more! xxx

    1. If you liked those views my darling, then where I have been today will boggle your brain!

  8. So exciting to see your photos!


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